Monday, April 21, 2008

Tony Jones and Trucker Frank...

Incredibly interesting story...


Anonymous said...

I wonder if Terry Shoemaker will look like trucker Frank in twenty years?


Anonymous said...

JD - come on, play the game! How do you think someone is saved? (the Elder Hussung's question)

- josh howerton

Anonymous said...

PS - It bugged me all night that I used the phrase, "Play the game" when asking you about how someone is saved. On a topic that all of us would agree is the most important one of them all, that was inappropriate.

I'm an sinner-idiot. So, in a much more serious tone, "How do you believe someone is saved?"

Anonymous said...

*a sinner-idiot

I guess I proved my own point.

JD said...

I told the Elder Hussung my reasons for not wanting to answer his question on here. He understands. I hope you will as well.

Essentially: 1, its hard to give an exhaustive explanation on here of any point of theology. I can hit some points well but miss others all together--not purposely, but it can be the bane of my existence if I miss one aspect and have to write one post on top of the other; 2, people don't take the time to really read what I write and therefore make all kinds of claims and assumptions about something that I already said plainly; 3, people don't want to be understanding about a different viewpoint, even if its not that much different from their own view of "orthodoxy."

Hope that makes sense, buddy.