Friday, July 31, 2009


I'm not sure what to say. I'm totally envious of the success of Cage The Elephant. They're playing all the big festivals, they're signed to a major label, their video is on MTV's rotation, they're on the cover of AP magazine, and last night they played the Late Show with David Letterman.

Holy crap.

I'm super happy for them. I'm glad they've made it in the music industry. I grew up with Jared Champion, who plays drums, and went to school with the rest. I remember going to their first show, in someone's backyard, before their name was CTE. Its kinda surreal to watch this video clip.

I don't think last night's performance was their best, but it was good enough.

(PS-Is it just me, or does everyone who plays Letterman's show sound good? Unlike SNL, where most every musical guest has a bad performance.)


josh said...

Isn't it weird? I didn't know that Cage the Elephant was those guys until a couple of weeks ago.

Louis Tagliaboschi said...

I really like these guys, and their music. I have know Lincoln since he was little and just starting to play guitar.

I am not such a big fan of the "seizure" style that the vocalist has. He is hard to watch.